Daily Archives: December 14, 2019

2019 Door Fourteen: Haiku (by Khadija Rouf)

This year, I’m celebrating the fifth anniversary of the original Poetry Advent Calendar blog, and those of you with a long memory (or just those good at clicking hyperlinks) will recall the 2014 Advent Calendar featured a fine selection of Guest Poets, contributing their own verse, but adhering to the same rules (written entirely on the day… that’s about the only rule.)

Well, I’m delighted to say that the Guest Poet slot is open again, and I’m utterly thrilled that the brilliant Khadija Rouf is the first in line.


I have decided
I am not breaking down – Now –
I am waking up.

I first met Khadija when I was working in Waterstones a few years ago, and we bonded over our shared membership of the Labour Party, and much else. Since then, she has become a trusted friend and an excellent comrade, as well as being a bloody beautiful poet as well.


I asked Khadija to say a few words herself about today’s Door – over to her:

I love a haiku. They are small, compact. But they can say big things in their 17 syllables.

This little haiku came just when I needed it. The last two days have felt pretty grim.
Thwarted hope is a terrible thing – especially in the run up to Christmas, a time charged with emotion and displays of abundance.
Like many people, I am worried for those who have been hurt by the last decade of austerity.
For all those struggling in under-funded public services, for people without homes or a secure income.
I’m worried for our planet, in crisis now, because of our unrelenting consumption.
When faced with huge challenge, it’s understandable to want to hide away, hibernate, focus inwards.
To be bitter and angry with the world.
Yet, sometimes the most radical thing we can do is to ‘wake up’.
For me, being awake means noticing, connecting with the world, taking part, being active.
Activism doesn’t have to be standing at a protest (though that is pretty powerful).
Activism can be deciding not to hide away, but to keep the door open.
Activism can be resistance against bitterness.
Activism can be showing small acts of kindness in daily life.
Advent is a time of reflection, of light in the darkness, of hope and renewal.
Today the next candle is lit.
Thank you to Owen and Luci for giving me space to share some words.

Couldn’t put it better myself. Eleven days to go.

Owen x

PS Khadija has reminded me to remind you (because despite setting it up I’m rubbish at promoting it) to please donate to Crisis, if you’ve enjoyed the poetic offerings on this here blog.

I’m so grateful to the flurry of people who have donated recently – you guys really are wonderful. Thank you.